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Sim App (Sim)

An interface that allows users to interact with a model.

Image of a sim

Sim apps allow users to interact with a model using buttons, sliders, knobs, tables, graphs, and storytelling. These interactions help users understand how parts of a system interact.

Interfaces are created by model authors in the Stella desktop software and can be uploaded to the EconDynDev Sim Exchange.


A diagram that represents how elements in a system influence one another.

Image of a model

Models are mathematical representations of how elements in a system are connected and interact (e.g., ecosystems, organizations, supply chains). When running models on the EconDynDev Sim Exchange, results can be viewed in output devices like graphs and tables.

Models appear in the EconDynDev Sim Exchange directory when authors upload them from the Stella® desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.

Causal Loop Diagram (CLD)

A map that represents the feedback structure of a system.

Image of a CLD

CLDs are high-level maps that represents the feedback structure of a system and easily communicate the essence of a model. They appear in the EconDynDev Sim Exchange when authors upload them from the Stella desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.